Preparing to Demonstrate the Value of Your Services within an Altered Quality Landscape
With the continued, and at times rapid, movement to managed and integrated care models, the need to articulate quality in I/DD services and supports has
Health & Human Services Clients
Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) & Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS)
With the continued, and at times rapid, movement to managed and integrated care models, the need to articulate quality in I/DD services and supports has
IGHL had considered switching to an EHR for several years as they were using a hybrid documentation process; mainly a paper-based system for their consumer records and billing documentation, and a separate electronic consumer data base that could also construct ISPs.
Building on the joint 2015 I/DD Data Digest, MediSked and The Arc of the United States are proud to announce the release of the 2018 Disability Data Digest,
Using MediSked Connect, Mending Hearts began entering new notes and documentation for each individual into the system, and completing care plans and activity plans within Connect as well. Meanwhile, employees began scanning paper records and attaching them to the recipients’ files, making an enormous legacy of documents available and searchable for the first time in the agency’s history.
MVLE implemented MediSked Connect to centralize and manage information and generate efficiencies across the agency. Every individual referred to MVLE and all individuals supported are integrated into Connect, along with their annual plan, schedules, and notes.
The Arc of Livingston-Wyoming was searching for a solution that would streamline their compliance procedures, enhance collaboration, and increase visibility to improve the Individual Support Plan (ISP) process.
PHP approached MediSked, LLC, for a software solution that connects individuals to the services and supports they need and the health insurance that covers these services, while allowing collaboration with the interdisciplinary team of their choice.
The Arc of Delaware County was inundated with antiquated forms of documentation and wanted their staff to spend less time compiling information and more time with the individuals they support.
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