Laurie Robb
(585) 405-1987
(Rochester, NY) MediSked celebrated the milestone of reaching and growing past 100 employees with a “Fanfare” event at the company’s headquarters in Rochester, NY, on Friday. Co-founders Doug Golub and Tom Hogan along with their management team welcomed Congressman Joe Morelle, Monroe County Executive Cheryl Dinolfo, as well as representatives from Empire State Development and the Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce for this special event, which featured an all-employee photo and ice cream social. County Executive Dinolfo made a declaration designating today as MediSked day in Monroe County.
“This was a special and proud day for MediSked and our employees,” said Doug Golub, president, and co-founder of MediSked. “We’re proud of the work we do each day as the leading brand that improves lives, drives efficiencies, and generates innovations that support the home and community-based services industry and excited to share this milestone. None of this would be possible without the incredible team of smart, passionate, friendly, and knowledgeable professionals who come to work at MediSked every day and give their all to support our mission.”
MediSked is a trusted technology partner to human services organizations across the country. The company was launched in Rochester in 2003 serving agencies who directly deliver long term services and supports in a Medicaid waiver program. MediSked Connect – Agency Management Platform, the initial platform developed by MediSked, was designed to replace inefficient and inaccurate paper record-keeping and service scheduling with a web-based solution that improves outcomes and reduces costs while enabling individuals to live their best lives.
The Connect platform was joined by MediSked Coordinate – Care Management Platform, which offers solutions for care coordinators and payers to assess individuals and develop their individual service plans, as well as manage, authorize, and bill for services. MediSked also offers the Connect Exchange – Multi-Agency Business Intelligence Platform with capabilities for data warehouse, interface automation, and analytics tools that deliver metrics and reporting. Connect Exchange also creates insights into population-level health data. Individuals are empowered through the MediSked Portal – Person-Centered Platform that enables information sharing between the individual, their circle of supports, their providers and their interdisciplinary team.
“Congratulations to MediSked on reaching this exciting milestone! For the past 16 years, MediSked has served our community with distinction and has grown to become a true asset to our many human services agencies,” said Morelle. “I am grateful to the entire team for their tireless work and look forward to many successful years to come!”
“On behalf of Monroe County, I would like to congratulate MediSked on surpassing 100 employees. What an incredible milestone!” said Dinolfo. “MediSked is a leading technology partner to health and human services organizations, helping our businesses grow and making Monroe County a better place for all. We are grateful for the work they do and wish them continued success in the future.”
MediSked co-founders Doug Golub and Tom Hogan started the company after working in the direct service provider (DSP) industry while attending the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Since that time, MediSked remains committed to combining person-centered care priorities with the development of technology. With a current employee headcount across all offices nearing 110 employees, MediSked has grown significantly in the past few years as a result of the opportunity to provide a suite of services to the seven New York I/DD Care Coordination Organization Health Homes which serve approximately 104,000 individuals across the state receiving home and community based services in the Medicaid waiver program. Overall, MediSked serves clients in 39 states from three offices in Rochester and Lewiston NY, as well as Silver Spring, MD.
“MediSked is committed to developing employees and building a strong culture as we grow and expand,” said Amanda Cates, Employee Experience Manager. “I’m so proud to be a part of our incredible success over the past few years, especially our deep connections to the home and community based services community. On my team, we create a strong link to our clients’ mission by offering in-depth training and employee development, as well as volunteer and community engagement activities.”
MediSked has also built and maintained strong relationships with organizations such as The Arc of the United States, the National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities (NASUAD), and the American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCHOR) to ensure an alignment with key objectives within the communities serving individuals with I/DD. Last year, MediSked and The Arc of the US collaborated to distribute a compilation of the latest statistics from the disability field, displayed in an easy to read infographic “digest” format.
“Every one of the more than 100 employees at MediSked understands our commitment to supporting the lives within the long-term services and supports community,” said executive vice president and co-founder Tom Hogan. “Our top priority is to develop technology solutions that enable better person-centered empowerment, reduce costs and create better outcomes. We are looking forward to continuing this work for years to come.”
About MediSked
MediSked is the leading brand in holistic technology solutions serving provider agencies, care management / payer organizations, government and non-profits with a focus on individuals receiving home and based community services. The MediSked Connect, MediSked Coordinate, MediSked Connect Exchange and MediSked Portal solutions combine to provide innovative, person-centered solutions to improve outcomes and quality while reducing costs. Founded in 2003, MediSked currently supports clients in 39 states.