The MediSked Podcast

Episode 8: How Managers Can Foster a Healthy Workforce

In this episode, two MediSked managers discuss their tips and tricks for keeping their teams engaged. As our country is in the midst of a workforce crisis, particularly in direct care, we hope that this episode can provide some insight that will help managers foster a healthy workforce.

An illustration of a building with six pillars that says "CMS" on top and the following on each pillar: Equity, Access, Engagement, Innovation, Sustainability, and Inclusion

The Six Pillars Framework for Advancing Health Policy

CMS is now structuring its innovations and policy directions into six pillars. Industry expert JoAnn Lamphere, DrPH, discusses how CMS, states, providers, and MCOs can collaborate and share accountability for achieving discernable improvement in healthcare outcomes and quality of life for individuals.

1915c Waivers By the Numbers

1915c Waivers By the Numbers

Across the United States, there are over 800,000 individuals who have indicated they have a need for services to keep them safely in their homes but are waiting for communication from their state Medicaid agency that funding has been made available. This infographic details the magnitude of Section 1915c waivers and wait lists.