Conflict-Free Case Management

Conflict-Free Case Management, Explained

Part of MediSked’s State of State series is the ongoing discussion of how each state achieves compliance with the HCBS Final Rule, which outlines specifics for providing conflict-free case management to individuals receiving HCBS waiver services. But what does “conflict-free care management” mean?

State of the State of Kansas

The State of the State of Kansas

The state allocated $36 million in 2021, which represented a seven percent increase in IDD funding—the largest budget increase in Kansas history for IDD waiver services.

The State of the State of Illinois

The State of the State of Illinois

In this series, MediSked experts explain the latest transitions in the home and community-based services industry and what’s to come in the future of each state.

Quality Measures with Sr. Product Manager Dan Sharp

Using Data to Improve Quality

MediSked Sr. Product Manager Dan Sharp shares the importance of quality in the HCBS/LTSS industry and how to improve it.