Mental Health in Older Americans

Mental Health in Older Americans

In the midst of a mental health crisis among aging Americans, the number of Americans aged 65+ is projected to double over the next twenty years. Learn how providers can improve mental health among aging Americans, and how MediSked can help.

Medicare & Medicaid 57 Year Anniversary - MediSked

Medicare and Medicaid 101

Both Medicare and Medicaid are important programs that allow individuals who cannot or would not have private insurance to maintain coverage for lifesaving medical services. Cheers to 57 years!

Older Americans Month Caregiver Perspectives with MediSked Director of Quality Brenda Harvey

Caregiver Perspectives

MediSked Director of Quality Brenda Harvey volunteered to share her story as a tribute to her father and other older Americans.

COVID-19: Perspectives from State Government - CMS Guidance & State Responses

COVID-19: Perspectives from State Government – CMS Guidance & State Responses

MediSked Solutions Owner Stephanie Crouch applies her experience working in state government to summarize the actions CMS has taken to address COVID-19 in support of Home and Community Based Services (HCBS), as well as review the examples of Nebraska and North Carolina and their responses within their state plan and waiver programs.

Spreading Awareness of Elder Abuse

Spreading Awareness of Elder Abuse

We all deserve to lead happy and healthy lives free from abuse as we age, yet older people are mistreated more often than we think.

Medicaid and Medicare Turn 53

Medicaid and Medicare Turn 53

Medicare and Medicaid have become vital resources to help these individuals live meaningful lives in the community with independence and autonomy.