Five Organizational Practices to Improve Data Quality
Where does an organization start in ensuring that the data they collect is complete and accurate? Here are five considerations.
Health & Human Services Clients
Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) & Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS)
Where does an organization start in ensuring that the data they collect is complete and accurate? Here are five considerations.
If a service has been approved and payment for that service arranged (by Medicaid or any other payer) – then to be a quality service, it should be both provided and received as intended. EVV is a way to provide a measurement – like a receipt – of the service delivery.
As of 2019, there were over 1.2 million individuals using Self-Direction services in the United States. Learn why and get tips for implementing a Self-Direction program at your agency.
Inside MediSked’s Client Services Team!
Since the January 1, 2021 go-live, the efforts within the EVV space have not slowed down. Learn what’s coming next!
Learn all about what self-direction is and why we encourage it from MediSked Relationship Manager Alyssa Galiney.
Get a peek behind the curtain at MediSked’s Software Testing organization with MediSked Software Tester Jackie Beiter.
MediSked Connect’s new Immunization Tracking module is designed to support both the immediate needs of the COVID-19 pandemic and the long-term goal of Provider Agencies to track and report on all immunizations for the individuals they support.
MediSked Compliance Policy Analysts break down today’s Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) landscape and its history.
MediSked Connect offers Check-In / Check-Out features that comply with Electronic Visit Verification standards, as well as improve operational and billing efficiencies for our clients.
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