2023 Personal Outcome Measures® Data Digest

2023 Personal Outcome Measures® Data Digest

CQL | The Council on Quality and Leadership and MediSked have partnered to present the latest data covering personal outcomes and organizational supports for people with disabilities.

Inclusion Benefits All 01

Ep. 10: Inclusion Benefits All – The Case for Employing Neurodiverse Individuals

Partners Health Plan (PHP)’s Karleen Haines and a member of PHP, Ackeem Duggan, join the MediSked Podcast to discuss the business case for employing neurodiverse individuals, how advocates and circles of support can assist individuals with their employment goals, and a personal employment success story.

An illustration of a building with six pillars that says "CMS" on top and the following on each pillar: Equity, Access, Engagement, Innovation, Sustainability, and Inclusion

The Six Pillars Framework for Advancing Health Policy

CMS is now structuring its innovations and policy directions into six pillars. Industry expert JoAnn Lamphere, DrPH, discusses how CMS, states, providers, and MCOs can collaborate and share accountability for achieving discernable improvement in healthcare outcomes and quality of life for individuals.

The MediSked Podcast

Episode 4: IDD Representation in Media

We at MediSked recognize that in order to achieve equity, representation matters. In this episode, the hosts discuss their favorite movies and TV shows with IDD representation.